
Staff spotlight – get connected to Simon Moore

Our people are what make BeFibre BeBrilliant – and every single one of them has our five core values at their heart. So, what better way to bring them to the fore, than by quizzing our colleagues on 10 quickfire questions that offer a little more insight into why they’re such a crucial part of the team?

16 December 2022

Next in the hot seat it’s our quality assurance lead, Simon Moore…


Be proud

Tell us about your role at BeFibre – what are your key responsibilities?

My role is quality assurance lead, which mainly sees me exploring ways to improve processes for both our customers and colleagues. Put simply, it’s about preventing errors, defects, and other problems from cropping up in procedures and services. Having good assurance procedures in place helps to make certain our people have the right tools to do their jobs, and ensure our customers receive the exact service they deserve enabling us to guarantee high quality.

What’s your favourite part of the job?

That would have to be the people and the mission we are all on. It’s an exciting time for BeFibre, the team is amazing, the future looks fantastic, and everyone really pulls together to do the right thing. I also enjoy being a champion of change. If something needs improving, I have the opportunity to take action, and make a real difference.

Be awesome 

For you, what makes BeFibre stand out from the crowd?

We are different. We truly put our customers first, and are genuinely passionate about providing broadband as it should be. I love the fact I am part of a brand that truly cares.

How do you think your colleagues would describe you?

Supportive, honest, genuine.


Be bold

Describe BeFibre in three words…

Brilliant, bold, innovative.

Is there a life motto which you swear by?

Treat people the way they want to be treated.


Be innovative

If you were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing you couldn’t live without?

My dog Marlow, and my cats Marvin and Carly.

If you were the boss for a day, what one rule would you implement?

The chance to take reflection time. The working day can be very busy and it helps to take a moment away from your screen, to pause and review.


Be customer-focused

Complete the sentence: When it comes to broadband, it’s crazy that people don’t know… 

The difference between wired and wireless internet. A wireless, or WiFi connection transmits data via wireless signals, while a wired, or ethernet connection transmits data over cable. No cables are needed to access a WiFi connection, providing greater mobility for users who can connect to a network or the internet while still moving around freely.

If you could give a colleague an award for going ‘above and beyond’ who would it be, and why?

I would have to say my immediate team mates Phil, Craig, Stephen, George, Matt, Jade, Val, and Brett. Everyone goes above and beyond, and team ethos is so important at BeFibre – we all work as one. So, it’s near impossible for me to just choose one person, they all stand out.


Keep your eyes peeled for more team members taking part in our Q&A series over the coming months.

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