
What’s the difference between 6G and full fibre?

19 May 2023

Here at BeFibre, we are always on the lookout for the latest developments in the industry. As experts, we know one of the most talked about technologies right now is full fibre – with Ofcom’s Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Market Review highlighting the importance of gigabit-capable networks across the UK – and the other is the advancement in 6G. 

While both aim to deliver faster and more reliable connectivity, they are different in their approach and capabilities. We explore the key differences between 6G and full fibre, below:

What is full fibre? 

Full fibre refers to the use of optical fibre cables, which transmit data using light instead of electricity. This allows for much faster and more reliable connectivity than traditional copper cables. To find out more, read our recent explainer blog on full fibre broadband.

What is 6G?

On the other hand, 6G is the next generation of wireless technology that is expected to offer much higher data speeds and lower latency than current 5G networks. It will be achieved through a combination of new radio frequencies, network architecture, and advanced computing technologies.

What are the benefits of full fibre?

One of the main advantages of full fibre is its reliability. Optical fibre cables are immune to electromagnetic interference, which means that they are less susceptible to outages and disruptions compared to the legacy copper cables. 

They also have higher bandwidth capacity, which means that they can handle more data at once without slowing down. This makes them ideal for applications that require high bandwidth, such as streaming your favourite videos or online gaming.

What are the benefits of 6G?

6G is all about speed. While 5G networks can already deliver download speeds of up to 1Gbps, 6G is expected to achieve speeds of up to 1 terabit per second (Tbps). This will enable a new generation of applications and services that require massive amounts of data to be transmitted quickly, such as real-time remote surgery, holographic communications, and autonomous vehicles.

Another advantage of 6G is its low latency – which refers to the delay between when a request is made and when a response is received. This delay is typically measured in milliseconds, but in 6G networks, it is expected to be reduced to just a few microseconds. This will be critical for applications that require real-time responses, such as online gaming or autonomous vehicles.

So, which technology is better? 

This depends on the specific use case. Full fibre is ideal for applications that require high bandwidth and reliable connectivity, such as video streaming or cloud computing. It’s perfect for your household or business internet needs. 

But in the future, 6G is expected to complement full fibre, and vice versa. 6G networks are likely to be built with the reliance on full fibre infrastructure. 

Therefore, with the Government pushing for the UK to become a world leader in telecommunications, it’s crucial that providers gain investment to upgrade networks and roll out full fibre across the country so that development in 6G can continue without delay.  

While 6G and full fibre are very different technologies, they both represent important steps forward in the telecoms industry. Full fibre offers reliable and high-bandwidth connectivity, while 6G will offer unprecedented data speeds and low latency. 

As a new player in this space, we are excited to be at the forefront of these developments and are focused on delivering the best full fibre broadband to our customers with unmatched speed. 

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